Score and Assessment Systems

Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk

Author: Dr. Barbara Braden
Original Work: Null
Coypright: Copyright

Copyright. Barbara Braden and Nancy Bergstrom, 1988. Permission granted to reprint (6.9.08).
Trademark: unknown

HL7 v2.x datatype: NM
HL7 V3 datatype: INT
Links: Dr. Braden's Website

Original Braden Scale Form

Permission Form
This is the form the ask for permission.
Specialities: Patient Care / Pflege


Codesystem Code Value(s) Interpretation
Snomed CT 15508007 10-12 high risk
Snomed CT 25594002 13-14 moderate risk
Snomed CT 30207005 15-18 mild risk
Snomed CT 260413007 19-23 no risk
pseudo 1 -9 very high risk


Comp. Decription Bezeichnung Code System: Codes/
Score Value
Details /
Score Range
HL7 DT v2 + V3 /
Snomed CT
1 sensory perception
ability to respond meaningfully to pressure-related discomfort
sensorisches Empfindungsvermögen LOINC: 38222-6
Snomed CT: 248240001
completely limited fehlt 1 - NM + INT 42341009
very limited stark eingeschränkt 2 - NM + INT 425403003
slightly limited leicht eingeschränkt 3 - NM + INT 425403003
no impairment vorhanden/nicht eingeschränkt 4 - NM + INT 247700009
2 moisture exposure
degree to which skin is exposed to moisture
Feuchtigkeit LOINC: 38229-1
Snomed CT: 364532007
constantly moist ständig feucht 1 - NM + INT 255238004
very moist oft feucht 2 - NM + INT 70232002
occasionally moist manchmal feucht 3 - NM + INT 84638005
rarely moist selten feucht 4 - NM + INT 89292003
3 physical activity
degree of physical activity
physische Aktivität LOINC: 38223-4
Snomed CT: 68130003
bedfast bettlägerig 1 - NM + INT 160685001
chairfast sitzt auf 2 - NM + INT 160684002
walks occasionally geht wenig 3 - NM + INT 70232002
walks geht regelmäßig 4 - NM + INT 84638005
4 physical mobility
ability to change and control body position
Mobilität LOINC: 38224-2
Snomed CT: 249864002
completely limited komplett immobil 1 - NM + INT 302045007
very limited Mobilität stark eingeschränkt 2 - NM + INT 160692006
slightly limited Mobilität leicht eingeschränkt 3 - NM + INT 8510008
no limited mobil/nicht eingeschränkt 4 - NM + INT 302042005
5 Nutrition intake pattern
usual food intake pattern
Ernährung LOINC: 38225-9
Snomed CT: 87276001
very poor sehr schlecht ernährung 1 - NM + INT 255351007
probably inadequate mäßige Ernährung 2 - NM + INT 71978007
adequate ausreichende Ernährung 3 - NM + INT 88323005
excellent gute Ernährung 4 - NM + INT 425405005
6 Friction & sheer
Reibung und Scherkräfte LOINC: 38226-7
Snomed CT: 301438001
Problem Problem 1 - NM + INT 301684000
potential problem mögliches Problem 2 - NM + INT 301697003
no apparent problem kein Problem 3 - NM + INT 301693004
TOTAL SCORE Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk

LOINC: 38227-5
Snomed CT: 413139004

Please send corrections and additions to hl7(at)

Links to Further Information

General Note

The primary purpose of the information provided above is to enhance interoperability. The primary focus lies on the assigned codes.
Therefore, no guarantee can be given whether the use of the score or assessment system is allowed or not. It is highly recommended to check with the author directly. We are aware that the presented information may be not enough in order to work with it. The authors have done their best to ensure copyright and other jurisdictional requirements.

Date of Last Change: Nov 06, 2008 (FO)